Today, I watched Ahsoka.
Ahsoka is
a character
animated series,
and this week, a live-action drama series about her
debuted on the internet.
The drama is not
animated. Ahsoka is portrayed by a real actress. I plan to watch it every week.
By the way,
the name "Ahsoka" sounds like
the Japanese
phrase "Ah soka", and
it's also spell
ed "Ahsoka".
chat GPTさんにめっちゃ直された! 確かにこれは勉強になる気がする… 合ってるかわかんないのが難点やな… まぁ私の最初のよりは合ってそう
... というか、アソーカね。英語のつづりみてびっくりしたわ、Ahなんですね。